The event went very well! Stacey is that rare combination – a consummate professional with a great big heart. As a public speaker myself I admire the careful crafting of her talk, yet at the event it sounded as fresh as if she were telling it for the first time to a group of friends. More than a few listeners had tears in their eyes.
"I am very proud of you Stacey Bess. Your efforts as a writer have now been recognized and acknowledged but even more than that your efforts as a teacher have been recognized and the example you have demonstrated to the world on what comes from a teacher who cares, who places her charges before her own welfare, whose dedication is to a higher purpose, who found that true happiness comes from service and love for another, is beyond being the thing to do, it is righteous in its calling. I have received more phone calls and emails than I can remember since Schindler’s List. And every review I've read has been positive. Congratulations." -Gerald Molen, Executive Producer, Schindler’s List, Jurassic Park
"Stacey, a huge thank you for sharing your beautiful and inspiring story with us at TCEA 2012! I think it was the perfect way to close our conversation—and it was very well received. Your philosophy of loving all children and giving them back their power is such a strong, important, yet simple message that unfortunately can get lost in the shuffle of modern-day life. I am happy to know you are sharing your approach with others and encouraging teachers to follow your philosophy. We need more like you!" -Texas Computer Education Association
"The event went very well! Stacey is that rare combination – a consummate professional with a great big heart. As a public speaker myself I admire the careful crafting of her talk, yet at the event it sounded as fresh as if she were telling it for the first time to a group of friends. More than a few listeners had tears in their eyes." -Client