"The greatest public servant in the country" - The Jefferson Award


"During Stacey’s visit to Seton Hill University in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, in April to celebrate the 2016 Student Affiliate Dinner for Month of the Young Child, she shared the gifts of teaching with our education students including compassion, trust, mentorship and leadership, importance of service, and conquering diversity. Students attending from Seton Hill University; St. Vincent College; University of Pittsburgh, Greensburg; Carlow University; and Westmoreland County Community College; Pittsburgh Association for the Education of Young Children (PAEYC) members and community members were inspired by her message and her dedication to the profession of teaching. Most of all, Stacey shared how important it is to love our children from the top to the bottom. We are not just teachers to our students; we are so much more!"
-Dr. Kathleen I. Harris, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Education, Seton Hill University

"I have received nothing but positive feedback concerning Stacey Bess and her message. Many attending said Stacey was the best speaker they had heard. I really enjoyed her message; it is one every educator should hear. Again, it was a wonderful experience and helped kick our school year off with a positive message."

"Stacey did an outstanding job at the luncheon. She is everyone’s favorite speaker thus far at any of our events. Thank you again for helping us!"
-Kids Can!

"We appreciate the assistance in booking Stacey Bess – Our 11th CHAIRity Friendraiser was successful and we reached our luncheon goal; approximately 340 guests were in attendance and Stacey’s keynote resonated with everyone in the room. We received great feedback from guests that her story was so lovely, her tone and delivery was easy to listen to and it aligned with Dallas Furniture Bank’s mission."
-Dallas Furniture Bank

"Stacey did a wonderful job. She was a terrific and everyone had positive comments."
-Dallas Furniture Bank

"The event went very well! Stacey is that rare combination – a consummate professional with a great big heart. As a public speaker myself I admire the careful crafting of her talk, yet at the event it sounded as fresh as if she were telling it for the first time to a group of friends. More than a few listeners had tears in their eyes."

"We've had overwhelming, positive comments about Stacey's message to our teachers. ‘She said everything I needed to hear before school started,’ was one comment I've heard over and over. Another consistent theme our teachers have been talking about is ‘love your kids, the academics will come...’ While I listened to her speak last week in our district, I was excited to feel the same enthusiasm and passion for my profession as I had the initial time I listened to her speak at the National Title I Conference in SLC. She delivers a powerful message! Thank you again!!!"
-Federal Programs, Preschool Center – Principal

"You did a FANTASTIC job this morning. I have read your book, I have seen the movie, and I just love your story. It is so powerful. In reality though, when you choose a speaker, you never really know if he/she will be as good as you hope. You just have to go with your gut and trust that someone with such a wonderful uplifting story will be able to tell it in a way that captivates a crowd. And that you did! I don't think there was a dry eye in the place. We strive to make a difference for the women and girls in our community—to give hope where there is none, to provide leadership and guidance to those in need, and to change lives. You inspired folks to give back, to join us, to make that difference you spoke of so well. We raised more money this morning than ever before. Thank you for helping us do that; but, more importantly, thank you for sharing yourself with kids and families who have never felt such love and care. Always remember, YOU MATTER."
-Orange County United Way

"Stacey Bess captivated a group of close to 400 women at our event for Nurture Home, a homeless shelter. The event, called Hearts for Hope and Homes, was an idea to inform our audience of the needs of homeless mothers and their children as well as inform our community of the mission of Nurture Home. The experience of working with APB and Stacey was smooth and not at all intimidating as this was our first event of this type. Thank you for your role in our successful event!"
-Mental Health America of Aiken County

"Women Helping Women had an outstanding luncheon! The guests had an abundance of positive comments and Stacey was fantastic. She captivated the audience and took them from crying to laughing back to crying again throughout the whole speech. She’s simply the best—what a great speaker!"
-Women Helping Women Fund – Tri Cities

"Stacey Bess was FANTASTIC! She really connected with our students and everyone who attended her presentation had positive things to say. Kudos to all of you!!"
-University of Findlay

"Stacey, a huge thank you for sharing your beautiful and inspiring story with us at TCEA 2012! I think it was the perfect way to close our conversation—and it was very well received. Your philosophy of loving all children and giving them back their power is such a strong, important, yet simple message that unfortunately can get lost in the shuffle of modern-day life. I am happy to know you are sharing your approach with others and encouraging teachers to follow your philosophy. We need more like you!"
-Texas Computer Education Association

"Stacey was phenomenal! I have never seen students so engaged and attentive during an event. She captured their attention and they never let go. She spoke with such poise, passion, and emotion that it was hard not to be intrigued by her journey. The students that had dinner with her were also so excited to meet her and really felt like she was real and laidback—basically, she met them where they are! She was so wonderful that I have recommended her to another friend so I hope they are able to work with her/you!"
-Wingate University

"Stacey was wonderful! We have been receiving very positive feedback regarding Stacey’s presentation. I would not be surprised if she is not invited back to the Northern Virginia area to speak at other events in the future."
-Inova Health System

"I would personally like to thank you for coming to speak at my school last night. I was truly inspired by your story after recently viewing your movie Beyond the Blackboard and getting to hear you firsthand was a testament that no matter the circumstances one starts out with, there is always a bright light to be illuminated if one is dedicated and passionate enough to make the best out of their situation. I will definitely use your experience as motivation when I have a classroom of my own to let my students know that I have compassion and care for each and every one of them, no matter what background they may come from."
-Student, St. John’s University

"Stacey was a hit with our audience. We have had many positive comments regarding her presentation. On a personal note, she was so easy to work with and very gracious."
-FWCS Study Connection

"I cannot tell you how pleased the United Way staff, board of directors and our community is with the message that Stacey delivered on Friday. She really hit a home run. She had our audience completely engaged through all 30 minutes. It was quite an event and one I think people will remember for years to come."
-United Way of Dutchess County

"It was a pleasure for our campus to host the Midwest premier of Beyond the Blackboard. It was an inspirational movie and our community and campus audience were treated to a great evening. Beyond that, Stacey appeared in several campus venues with students and faculty. She is an effective communicator of the values and techniques of great teaching. She has been where the toughest educators labor, and did it with skill and passion. Southern Nazarene University would welcome her again as she shared values of genuine care and concern for students that we try to teach. I highly recommend her to any audience who wants to understand the challenges of education today, and who wants to hear from a person who knows how to get it done, even in the most difficult circumstances."
-Southern Nazarene University

"I am very proud of you Stacey Bess. Your efforts as a writer have now been recognized and acknowledged but even more than that your efforts as a teacher have been recognized and the example you have demonstrated to the world on what comes from a teacher who cares, who places her charges before her own welfare, whose dedication is to a higher purpose, who found that true happiness comes from service and love for another, is beyond being the thing to do, it is righteous in its calling. I have received more phone calls and emails than I can remember since Schindler’s List. And every review I've read has been positive. Congratulations."
-Gerald Molen, Executive Producer, Schindler’s List, Jurassic Park

"What a treat it was to have you as our keynote speaker at the Federal Women’s Luncheon! I have served in the capacity of Federal Women’s Program for eight years and you were the most outstanding speaker we have had the privilege to hear. The impact you had on the audience was one I have seldom seen."
-Hill Air Force Base

"Thank you so much for speaking at our annual WIC conference. Your keynote presentation was both inspirational and uplifting… You reminded us that we CAN make a difference."
-Utah WIC Program

"... One of the stars in my world of the most influential and important people I’ve come to know and admire is the highly respected and best selling author Stacey Bess ... I am often asked for recommendations for speakers at conventions, special occasions and educational seminars and I turn first to Stacey if she is available."
-Gerald Molen, Executive Producer, Schindler’s List, Jurassic Park

Other Accolades

Book Stacey

"I have received nothing but positive feedback concerning Stacey Bess and her message. Many attending said Stacey was the best speaker they had heard. I really enjoyed her message; it is one every educator should hear. Again, it was a wonderful experience and helped kick our school year off with a positive message." -Client

"Stacey Bess captivated a group of close to 400 women at our event for Nurture Home, a homeless shelter. The event, called Hearts for Hope and Homes, was an idea to inform our audience of the needs of homeless mothers and their children as well as inform our community of the mission of Nurture Home. The experience of working with APB and Stacey was smooth and not at all intimidating as this was our first event of this type. Thank you for your role in our successful event!" -Mental Health America of Aiken County

"What a treat it was to have you as our keynote speaker at the Federal Women’s Luncheon! I have served in the capacity of Federal Women’s Program for eight years and you were the most outstanding speaker we have had the privilege to hear. The impact you had on the audience was one I have seldom seen." -Hill Air Force Base

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