"I would personally like to thank you for coming to speak at my school last night. I was truly inspired by your story after recently viewing your movie Beyond the Blackboard and getting to hear you firsthand was a testament that no matter the circumstances one starts out with, there is always a bright light to be illuminated if one is dedicated and passionate enough to make the best out of their situation. I will definitely use your experience as motivation when I have a classroom of my own to let my students know that I have compassion and care for each and every one of them, no matter what background they may come from." -Student, St. John’s University
"What a treat it was to have you as our keynote speaker at the Federal Women’s Luncheon! I have served in the capacity of Federal Women’s Program for eight years and you were the most outstanding speaker we have had the privilege to hear. The impact you had on the audience was one I have seldom seen." -Hill Air Force Base
"Stacey, a huge thank you for sharing your beautiful and inspiring story with us at TCEA 2012! I think it was the perfect way to close our conversation—and it was very well received. Your philosophy of loving all children and giving them back their power is such a strong, important, yet simple message that unfortunately can get lost in the shuffle of modern-day life. I am happy to know you are sharing your approach with others and encouraging teachers to follow your philosophy. We need more like you!" -Texas Computer Education Association